Showing 4 Result(s)

Data Quality Checks with Soda-Core in Databricks

It’s easy to do data quality checks when working with spark with the soda-core library. The library has support for spark dataframes. I’ve tested it within a databricks environment and it worked quite easily for me. For the examples of this article i am loading the customers table from the tpch delta tables in the …

Databricks query federation with Snowflake. Easy and Fast!

Introduction In the same way that is possible to read and write data from snowflake inside databricks, its also possible to use databricks with query federation against diverse SQL engines, including snowflake. The current supported engines are: We are going to demonstrate how it works with Snowflake. We will first create a table in databricks, …

Databricks and Spark Crash Course. Delta and More!

I’ve been working on a Databricks and Delta tutorial for all of you. I published it as notebook and you can grab it here. We will load some sample data from the NYC taxi dataset available in databricks, load them and store them as table. We will use then python to do some manipulation (Extract …