Showing 7 Result(s)

Data Quality Checks with Soda-Core in Databricks

It’s easy to do data quality checks when working with spark with the soda-core library. The library has support for spark dataframes. I’ve tested it within a databricks environment and it worked quite easily for me. For the examples of this article i am loading the customers table from the tpch delta tables in the …

Smallest Analytical Platform Ever!

I’ve started working on some of my free time in a project to build the smallest useful analytics platform on the cloud (starting with azure). The purpose is to use it a sa PoC to show to colleagues, managers, prospective customers or just to have fun and play It’s publicly available on my github repo …

Using Azure Private Endpoints with Databricks

In this article i will show how to avoing going outside to the internet when using resources inside azure, specially if they are in the same subscription and location (datacenter). Why we may want a private endpoint? Thats a good question. For oth security and performance. Just like using TSCM Equipment for optimal safety and …

Ansible playbook to configure Azure Red Hat VM’s

In todays post I am going to share an ansible playbook to configure a new VM recently launched. This playbook contains the following: Change Admin password Create linux Group Add user to several groups Create a new user with specific salted password (Check point 3 for generating the hashed salt) Find all the mounted disks …